When should I keep my child home?

Prior to sending your child to school each day, you must reference the following checklist: 

boxMy child is feeling well today.
    box  My child does NOT have any signs or symptoms of illness - including, but not limited to: fever of 100.0 F or greater, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, fatigue, body or muscle aches, nasal congestion / runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, unexplained rash. 
boxIn the past 14 days, my child has NOT been exposed to anyone with any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache, fatigue, body or muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell.
boxIn the past 14 days, my child has NOT been in close contact with anyone with a known diagnosis of COVID-19 or awaiting COVID-19 results.
boxI have NOT administered fever-reducing medication to my child in the last 12 hours.
boxThe school has up to date emergency contact information in the event I need to be contacted while my child is at school.
boxIf my child has traveled outside of Massachusetts to states not on the Low-Risk list, in the past 14 days, I will not send my child to school, and I will notify the nurse to discuss

Please do not send your child to school and contact the school nurse if your child is ill, has been exposed to someone with symptoms of COVID-19, has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you have administered fever-reducing medication in the past 12 hours and/or your child recently traveled. 

Please contact the nurse if you need to update your child’s emergency contacts, or if you have any questions.


Risk Assessment in WPS Post COVID-19 Pandemic 

The Director of Health Services, in collaboration with the WPS Nursing Staff, will monitor the attendance rates and clinic visits as part of the illness surveillance rates. The WPS Nurses, Health Service Director, and the Superintendent will continue to work closely with the Weymouth Board of Health to mitigate the risk of coronavirus spread. To maintain the safety of all students and staff, it is essential that families and staff follow this guidance: 

  1. Stay home if you are ill. It is very important to keep everyone healthy that anyone who doesn't feel well stays home. 
  2. Families, please be specific on the absence call-in line with the reason your child is out of school, it is important in identifying illness trends.
  3. If your child becomes sick during the school day, you will be called and asked to come to pick up your child within 30 minutes. Your child will need to be isolated until you are able to come to the school and pick up your child. 
  4. Please be sure you have an identified person who can be reached and pick up your child within 30 minutes of potential COVID-19 symptoms. 
  5. Please keep your contact information current in ASPEN so that the nurse can reach you. 

The dismissal rates, including the time the student came into the nurse’s office until the time of dismissal, will be monitored. Any student/staff member that requires transport via the Emergency Medical System (911 call) will be monitored.  Communication will be shared with the school community via the Superintendent's Coronavirus Updates. The plan will be continuously evaluated based on information we learn about the virus and the rates of transmission within the community.