Citation Information

Citations – MLA 8th edition

When determining how to cite your source, start by consulting core elements listed below. These are the general pieces of information that MLA requires in each Works Cited entry no matter what type of source it is. In the citation, the elements should be listed in the correct order followed by the appropriate punctuation mark. For help in creating a citation within a Google Doc go to Citations under tools. This tool will walk you through the creation of a citation depending on the type of source. It will also help you with the correct "in text" citation along with the citation for your Works Cited list that they are calling Bibliography. Consult this video for help in using this tool. Video on using the Citations tool within a Google Doc. 


Core Elements of a Citation:


"Title of “source.” (“article” or “webpage title”).

Title of container, (website or book title),

Other contributors,




Publication date,

Location. (website’s url – just enough for someone to find the page you used).

Date of Access. (the date you used the website).

Information about the source is kept to the basics. Citations are added to your Works Cited list alphabetically by the first letter of the first word in the citation (ignore a, an, the). They are added as hanging citations which means that the second and subsequent lines of the citation are indented. This is to help someone quickly find the full citation of an in-text citation you have included in your paper. They are also double spaced. For help with formatting a citation with a hanging indentation see the attachment at the bottom of this page. 

Citation example for a website:

Author. “Title of source.” Title of Website. Publisher, Publication Date,

     website url, Date of Access. 

Citation example for a book:

Author. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date.

Citation example for an Article within a Book:

Author. “Title of article.” Title of Book. Other Contributors, Publisher,

     Publication Date.