Weymouth Public Schools has adopted the Massachusetts Common Core State Standards. These standards are aligned with and enhanced to meet the Common Core Federal Initiatives. To ensure that all students Pre-K to Grade 12 and beyond meet core academic requirements we have implemented a multitude of curriculum tools. These tools as well as our educators' expertise support our ultimate goal of college and career readiness. It is our objective to work collaboratively with families, community, and advanced learning associates to provide a pathway to college, career and beyond. The following information highlights some tools that are used to support the implementation of Massachusetts Common Core State Standards.
OWL, Opening the World of Learning, is a comprehensive pre-kindergarten program that systematically addresses the following domains:
- Social and Emotional Development
- Emergent Literacy: Reading
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Language and Communication
- Emergent Literacy: Writing
- Science
- Fine Arts
- Physical Development
OWL is based on extensive research on early cognitive and social and emotional development. The program systematically builds essential skills using research-based methods.
Big Ideas Math Program is being implemented into classrooms at every grade through Algebra II. The Big Ideas Math program is a research-based curriculum providing a rigorous, focused, and coherent curriculum for elementary school, middle school, and high school students. The pedagogical approach to this program follows the best practices outlined in the most prominent and widely-accepted educational research and standards. The Big Ideas Math program follows a balanced instructional approach. The program balances conceptual understanding with procedural fluency, as research shows that students benefit from equal exposure to discovery learning and scaffolded instruction. Each section in the program begins with a discovery exploration that encourages conceptual understanding. These provide students with the opportunity to explore, question, explain, and persevere as they seek to answer questions that encourage abstract thought. Each exploration is then followed by a scaffolded lesson. These lessons give students the opportunity to develop procedural fluency and to use clear, precise mathematical language. These lessons also give teachers opportunities to use class discussion, flexible grouping, and other delivery methods in their classrooms. Real-life applications are utilized throughout the program. These applications are opportunities for students to connect classroom lessons to realistic scenarios, and assist teachers with turning mathematical learning into an engaging and meaningful way to explore the real world. The Mathematical Practices and Proficiencies are woven into every chapter. In addition, Show and Grow, Apply and Grow, Try It, or Monitoring Progress problems allow students to practice and sharpen their skills as they work toward mathematical understanding.