Community Organizations
Our community's strength comes from caring citizens who look after the best interest of everyone in Weymouth. By supporting our children, we are building a bridge to the future - our future. This program has two significant goals - to generate financial support for important programs and activities that cannot be sustained in our current economic climate, and to bring the community-at-large into our schools to see the great things that are happening here. We need your help, and we want to impress you with our commitment to a better future for all of us. Anyone who is linked together by this common bond - a desire to live and grow in a successful community - can become involved.
The Weymouth School Committee adopted a School-Community Partnership Program to promote school and community events and to raise money for essential resources. Our plan is to provide interactive technologies and programs in alignment with WPS’ mission, as we prepare all students for success in the 21st Century. Your support and interest is greatly needed.
For Community Partner Participation, contact:
Betsy Harris
(781) 335-1100, x-28331
Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Program - Community Participation Welcome!
News & Announcements
WPS District-Wide Fundraising Calendar
Webster Timber LanesWPS Employment OpportunitiesQCAP Energy/Heating ProgramsWPS Alumni Museum