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November 7, 2024 Meetings

Weymouth School Committee

Meeting of the Whole
MJL Humanities Center
1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth
November 7, 2024
6:30 p.m

Chair: Ms. Tracey Nardone  Vice Chair: Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw   Secretary: Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine

Ms. Kathy Curran    Ms. Danielle Graziano    Mr. Dana Scott    Mayor Robert Hedlund


I. Call to Order   6:30 pm

II. Meeting of the Whole                                                             

a. Discussion on Interim Superintendent’s Contract Status/Next Steps

b. Formation of an Athletics Subcommittee

c. Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair MAY be discussed

III. Adjournment

Weymouth School Committee Meeting

MJL Humanities Center
1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth
November 7, 2024
7:00 p.m

Chair: Ms. Tracey Nardone  Vice Chair: Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw   Secretary: Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine

Ms. Kathy Curran    Ms. Danielle Graziano    Mr. Dana Scott    Mayor Robert Hedlund


Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this meeting will be conducted in person and, as a courtesy, via remote means in accordance with applicable law. Remote means will include the WETC8 live feed ( and the Zoom link below.  Please note that while an option for remote attendance is being provided as a courtesy, the meeting/hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast, unless required by law.

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I. Call to Order    7:00 pm

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Consent Agenda

a. Confirmation of Warrant:  18-2025 Date: 10/28/24 Amount: $ 1,370,333.85

b. Approval of Minutes: Regular Minutes: 10/24/24

IV. Report of Superintendent
Interim Superintendent Melanie Curtin

a. Celebrations

i. CTE Program Advisory Meeting & Cosmetology Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
with State Rep. James Murphy

ii. Fall Athletics/Post-Season Achievements

iii. SEPAC Awareness Month

iv. Student Recognition: Sophie Ames in ACDA National Honor Choir

v. WECC Playground Grand Opening on Friday, 11/8 at 9:30 a.m., Adams

vi. “Celebrating Music in Weymouth” on Sunday, 11/10 at 2:30 p.m., WHS

V. School Committee Sub-Committee Report-Out

a. Budget Sub-Committee - Ms. Danielle Graziano

b. Collective Bargaining Sub-Committee  - Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw 

c. Policy Sub-Committee - Mr. Dana Scott

d. Wellness Committee - Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw

e. Memorial Committee - Ms. Kathy Curran

f. Weymouth Scholarship Committee - Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine

g. Facilities Master Plan Committee - Ms. Kathy Curran 

h. Townwide Parent Council - Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine 

i. SEPAC - Ms. Danielle Graziano 

j. Health and Safety JLMC - Mr. Dana Scott

VII. Old Business

VIII. New Business

a. Space Request: Non-school-sponsored trip to South Korea (EF Tours, April 2026) (Action Requested)

b. Resolution: SEPAC Awareness Month (Action Requested)

c. Chapman Middle School & Weymouth High School School Improvement Plan Updates & Review of MCAS Data
    - Ms. Jennifer Dolan & Ms. Karen Monahan 

IX. Public Comment

                  Public Comment shall be in accordance with Policy BEDH

X. Announcements

a. Budget Sub-Committee Meeting - November 13, 2024 at 6 p.m., Adams Library

XI. Adjournment

Next Meeting of the Weymouth School Committee: 
Thursday, December 5, 2024 - 7:00 p.m. School Committee Meeting


Meeting Recording



Weymouth School Committee

Humanities Center
November 7, 2024

Members In Attendance:  Tracey Nardone, Chair; Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw, Vice Chair; Kathy Curran; Danielle Graziano; Dana Scott 

Members Absent:  Mary-Ellen Devine, Secretary; Mayor Hedlund

Also Present: Melanie Curtin, Interim Superintendent; Brian Smith, Assistant Superintendent

The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm.

a. Discussion on Interim Superintendent’s Contract Status/Next Steps

b. Formation of an Athletics Subcommittee

c. Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair MAY be discussed

Formation of an Athletics Subcommittee was taken out of order. To establish clarity, transparency, and collaboration in growing the program an athletics subcommittee is suggested. Communities such as Braintree, Lowell, Saugus, Watertown, Winthrop, Harvard, Martha’s Vineyard, and Quincy have a School Committee Athletic Sub Committee. Sample agendas were passed out. It was proposed that parents, coaches, and student athletes, town (park & rec),  Athletic Director, middle and high school principals would also be a part of the subcommittee. The subcommittee would help facilitate pain points, growing teams, field renovations, turf replacement, student athlete and coaching needs as well as guidance for struggling boosters and transportation for practice. It was commented that Middle School Sports is rapidly growing.

Athletics usually presents at Budget Subcommittee meetings twice per year. Request was made for it to be more often. It was made clear that the school committee is not dissolving nor taking over the athletic department. It was mentioned that some negative emails from families have been received regarding athletics.

Ms. Graziano shared her support of an athletic subcommittee.

Mrs. Curran inquired:
-Who would be on the committee
-How often would the committee meet
-Would coaches feel obligated to attend
-Is there town buy in?

Mrs. Curran requested:
-A goal statement
-Copies of the emails
-More information

Mrs. Curran suggested the athletics be a standing agenda item for budget subcommittee

Through text, Mrs. Devine expressed support for the athletic subcommittee and also to be a serving member.

It was proposed that the committee could comprise of the Athletic Department, The Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Middle and High School designees, School committee members, and open invites (not mandatory) could be extended to coaches, parents, and student athletes. Meetings could be every other month at a convenient time; where correct info can be shared out to avoid rumor. 

Mr. Scott suggested that 2 standing members of the subcommittee be parents.

It was reiterated that the goal of the committee with the speed of growth of programs is to support the athletic department so that it can be as successful as it can be.

Public Comment:

-Bob Dillon, 29 Campbell St., WHS Boys & Girls Golf Coach

Shared his strong disagreement with the formation of an athletic subcommittee. He expressed his opinion that it undermines the coaches, is a personal attack on AD O’Leary, and that the athletic department does not need to be micromanaged. He requested that Coach Pallucci’s email be read into the record. 

-Deidra Aeida, 109 Hill St.

Mom of a student athlete shared her opinion that the athletic department is under-resourced and the focus should be on finding an athletic trainer and more money for the program. She expressed her support of AD O’Leary and how he handled her son’s sports injury. She commented that it would be difficult to find time in the AD’s schedule to attend another meeting.

The committee expressed respect for the comments received and stated that the subcommittee is not an attack, however an opportunity to build out the athletic program so that it can be as strong as it can be.

Consensus was reached to table remaining items on the agenda to a future meeting if the whole.

The Meeting adjourned at 7:03pm.

Weymouth School Committee

MaryJo Livingstone Humanities Center & Zoom
November 7, 2024

Members In Attendance:  Tracey Nardone, Chair; Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw, Vice Chair; Kathy Curran;  Danielle Graziano; Dana Scott 

Members Absent:  Mary-Ellen Devine, Secretary; Mayor Hedlund

Also Present: Melanie Curtin, Interim Superintendent; Brian Smith, Assistant Superintendent


The meeting was called to order at 7:07pm

The Chair informed that the meeting is being recorded and available on WETC.

Mrs. Nardone led in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda:

The Consent agenda included:

  • Payment of Bills: Confirmation of Warrant: 18-2025 Date: 10/28/24 Amount: $1,370,333.85 
  • Approval of Minutes:    Regular Meeting Minutes: 10/24/24

Motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw to accept the consent agenda. Seconded by Mrs. Curran. Motion unanimously passed.

Report of the Superintendent:

Interim Superintendent Curtin gave an update:

a. Celebrations

i. CTE Program Advisory Meeting-Cosmetology Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony with State Rep. James Murphy. Thanks and appreciation express for Rep. Murphy’s backing of funding 

ii. Fall Athletics/Post-Season Achievements

-Girls and Boys Cross Country qualified for the state meet

-#3 Seed Boys Soccer had a tough loss against Methuen

-Boys Football will play against Catholic Central in Lawrence on 11/8

-Girls Soccer has advanced to the round of 16

-Swimming dual meeting, notable swims by Smantha Noble-breast stroke and Ryan Chen-back stroke

-Cheer-qualified for Regionals and game day Cheer won BSC championship

-Boys golf-kudo’s to Owen Sean who placed 30th overall

-Varsity dance earned 2nd in Hip Hop and JV 3rd at Endicott Invitational

iii. SEPAC Awareness Month 

Thanks was expressed to SEPAC for their collaboration

iv. Student Recognition: Sophie Ames in ACDA National Honor Choir 

She will travel to Dallas in March to compete for this prestigious honor

v. WECC Playground Grand Opening on Friday, 11/8 at 9:30 a.m., Adams 

vi. “Celebrating Music in Weymouth” on Sunday, 11/10 at 2:30 p.m., WHS

The Marching and School Band performed at the Weymouth Irish Heritage Parade as well as homecoming. 27 members were inducted into the Tri M honor Society. Lauren Saracino will be leaving the district to take a position in Wellesley.

MCAS retakes are currently be administered. More information and guidance to come from the Department of Education.


Members attend other meetings outside of school committee days. Updates of other committees:

a. Budget Sub-Committee - Danielle Graziano  Next meeting will be 11/13/24

b. Collective Bargaining Sub-Committee - Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw  No updates at this time

c. Policy Sub-Committee - Dana Scott  The next scheduled meeting is in January. A meeting in December may be squeezed in. 

d. Wellness Committee - Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw  No updates at this time

e. Memorial Committee - Kathy Curran  No updates at this time.

f. Weymouth Scholarship Committee - Mary-Ellen Devine  No updates at this time

g. Facilities Master Plan Committee - Kathy Curran  Funding mechanism and writing the bond was discussed at the 10/29/24 meeting. It will be on the town budget management to refer to Town Council for measure and public hearing

h. Townwide Parent Council - Mary-Ellen Devine  The next meeting will be 11/20/24.

i. SEPAC - Danielle Graziano  The next meeting will be 11/19; discuss navigating the new IEP with MA Advocates for Children.

j. Health &  Safety - Dana Scott  Next meeting is 11/20/24 at 4pm. 


No items


a. Space Request: Non-school-sponsored trip to South Korea (EF Tours, April 2026) (Action Requested)
Motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw to approve the space request for non-school sponsored trip to South Korea in April 2026 through EF Tours. Seconded by Mrs. Curran. Motion passed unanimously.

b. Resolution: SEPAC Awareness Month (Action Requested)
Ms. Graziano read the resolution (attached to these minutes) into the record. Motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw and seconded by Mrs. Curran to support the SEPAC Awareness Resolution as read. Motion passed unanimously.

c. Chapman Middle School & Weymouth High School School Improvement Plan Updates & Review of MCAS Data - Ms. Jennifer Dolan & Ms. Karen Monahan 
Principal Monahan and Assistant Principal Northup gave an overview of the high school school improvement plan (attached to these minutes). Topics included: Student Belonging, Student Achievement, Community partnerships, Panorama Social Emotional survey, Absenteeism, and MCAS data. Areas of growth and next steps were reviewed.

Principal Dolan and Assistant Principal Amoroso gave an overview of the Chapman School improvement plan. Topics included: Building Relationships, Student Achievement, Family and Community Engagement, Cell phone testimonials, Panorama survey results, absences, professional development, action steps and expected outcomes.

All questions from the committee were addressed.

Public Comment
In accordance with Policy BEDH and kept to 3 minutes; this period is an opportunity for community members to comment on items on the agenda, not a conversation or back and forth with the members.

-John Pedula, 300 Neck St.
Expressed concern for lack of compensatory services provided for his daughter who attends the life skills program at Talbot as well as lack of structure to inclusion time.

-Kim Ferriera, Charles Diersch St.
Expressed thanks and gratitude for the support and collaboration and for the resolution recognition during SEPAC awareness month

Veterans Day Parade, Monday, November 11, 2024
Budget Sub committee-November 13, 2024, 6pm, Adams Library

Next School Committee Meeting:
Regular Meeting: Thursday, December 5, 2024 - 7:00pm

The Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm on the motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw and seconded by Mrs. Curran.  Motion passed unanimously.

Resolution Recognizing SEPAC**

  **Whereas**, the Weymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) plays a vital role in ensuring that the voices of parents and caregivers of students with special needs are heard within our educational community; **Whereas**, the Weymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) provides invaluable support, resources, and advocacy for families, fostering a collaborative partnership between parents, educators, and school administrators; 

 **Whereas**, the Weymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) engages in meaningful dialogue about the special education programs and services, contributing to the enhancement of educational experiences for students with diverse learning needs; **Whereas**, the Weymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) organizes workshops, informational sessions, and community events that empower parents and promote awareness about special education policies and best practices;

 **Whereas**, the dedication and commitment of the Weymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) members to their mission enrich the educational environment and promote inclusivity for all students;

 **Now, therefore, be it resolved** that the Weymouth Public Schools formally recognizes November as the Weymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) awareness month and commends the Special Education Parent Advisory Council for their outstanding contributions to our schools and community, and expresses its continued support for their initiatives and efforts to advocate for all students with special needs.


Meeting MateriaLS