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November 21, 2024 Meeting

Weymouth School Committee

Meeting of the Whole
Adams Library Conference Room
89 Middle Street, Weymouth, MA 02189
November 21, 2024
6:00 p.m


Chair: Ms. Tracey Nardone  Vice Chair: Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw   Secretary: Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine

Ms. Kathy Curran    Ms. Danielle Graziano    Mr. Dana Scott    Mayor Robert Hedlund


I. Call to Order   6:00 pm

II. Meeting of the Whole                                                             

a. Discussion on Interim Superintendent’s Contract Status/Next Steps

b. Topics not reasonably anticipated by the Chair MAY be discussed

III. Adjournment


Meeting Minutes

Weymouth School Committee

Abigail Adams Library
November 21, 2024

Members In Attendance:  Tracey Nardone, Chair; Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw, Vice Chair; Mary-Ellen Devine, Secretary; Danielle Graziano; Dana Scott 

Members Absent:  Kathy Curran; Mayor Hedlund

Also Present: Melanie Curtin, Interim Superintendent; Brian Smith, Assistant Superintendent

The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.

Discussion of the Superintendent contract was had. Options of Interim Superintendent Curtin’s interim contract becoming permanent versus a Superintendent search were talked through. The conversation revolved around and focused on whether the WSC and the Community should engage in another Superintendent search process as has been the case in the past, or simply appoint the current Interim Superintendent to the position of Superintendent. Chair Nardone asked and received confirmation that all the members present had received and read the e-mail submitted by Interim Superintendent Curtin about this topic. 

All the members present expressed an opinion that there was no need to engage in another Superintendent search exercise given the closing timeline, logistical challenges, and cost (identified by Asst Supt Smith at approximately $25K). 

In addition to those concerns, the particular overarching reason collectively agreed on was the fact that we currently have a highly qualified, capable, and effective person in the role acting as Interim Superintendent (Melanie Curtin). It was felt that it was highly unlikely that a search would even identify or make available a more qualified candidate around whom consensus would exist. 

By all accounts, in her short tenure, feedback has been positive about her effectiveness with improving communication and culture with stakeholders; including School Committee, staff, WEA, and parents. 

Interim Superintendent Curtin stated that her tenure has not felt like an interim appointment nor a try-out, that she has jumped right into the role.  

Members of the Committee agreed that we should proceed with the direct appointment, subsequent contract negotiation, and formal goal-setting.

Member Devine raised the issue of the need for public participation and input in any such decision, even in the absence of a search process. Collective discussion centered around Member Sherlock-Shangraw's suggestion that as part of the regular School Committee process, the public would have two opportunities to provide input, commentary, and opinions. The first would be during Public Comment at the School Committee meeting when this item appears on the agenda, and the second when the Superintendent contract is to be ratified at a subsequent meeting. 

All the members present agreed with Chair Nardone's proposal that an item be included in the agenda for the upcoming School Committee Meeting on December 5th to appoint current Interim Superintendent Curtin to the position of Superintendent, to discuss, and to vote. 

It was remarked that the positivity and level of transparency provided to the committee by the Interim Superintendent is felt and appreciated.

The Meeting adjourned at 6:18pm.