January 9, 2025 Meeting
Weymouth School Committee
Chair: Ms. Tracey Nardone Vice Chair: Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw Secretary: Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine
Ms. Kathy Curran Ms. Danielle Graziano Mr. Dana Scott Mayor Robert Hedlund
MJL Humanities Center | Weymouth High School | 1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth
January 9, 2025 | 7:00 p.m
Pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Acts of 2023, this meeting will be conducted in person and, as a courtesy, via remote means in accordance with applicable law. Remote means will include the WETC8 live feed (https://weymouth.tv/video-on-demand/) and the Zoom link below. Please note that while an option for remote attendance is being provided as a courtesy, the meeting/hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless required by law.
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a. Confirmation of Warrants: 24-2025 Date: 12/9/24 Amount: $ 627,124.60
26-2025 Date: 12/23/24 Amount: $ 1,807,267.08
28-2025 Date: 1/6/25 Amount: $ 1,099,854.71
b. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes: 12/5/24
Executive Session Minutes: 12/19/24
Interim Superintendent Melanie Curtin
a. Budget Sub-Committee - Ms. Danielle Graziano
b. Collective Bargaining Sub-Committee - Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw
c. Policy Sub-Committee - Mr. Dana Scott
d. Wellness Committee - Dr. Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw
e. Memorial Committee - Ms. Kathy Curran
f. Weymouth Scholarship Committee - Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine
g. Facilities Master Plan Committee - Ms. Kathy Curran
h. Townwide Parent Council - Ms. Mary-Ellen Devine
i. SEPAC - Ms. Danielle Graziano
j. Health and Safety JLMC - Mr. Dana Scott
k. Athletics Sub-Committee
a. Elementary School Assistant Principals Staffing Update - Interim Supt. Melanie Curtin
a. Approval of contract for Melanie Curtin, Superintendent of Schools, effective January 1, 2025 (Action Requested)
b. Competency Determination Update - Interim Supt. Melanie Curtin
Public Comment shall be in accordance with Policy BEDH
a. Policy Sub-Committee Meeting: January 14, 2025, at 6 p.m., Adams Library
b. Budget Sub-Committee Meetings: January 15, 2025, and January 22, 2025, at 6 p.m., Adams Library
Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 7:00 p.m. School Committee Meeting
Meeting Recording
Meeting Minutes
Weymouth School Committee
MaryJo Livingstone Humanities Center & Zoom | 1 Wildcat Way, Weymouth
January 9, 2025 | 7:00 p.m.
Members In Attendance: Tracey Nardone, Chair; Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw, Vice Chair; Mary-Ellen Devine, Secretary; Kathy Curran; Danielle Graziano; Dana Scott
Members Absent: Mayor Hedlund
Also Present: Melanie Curtin, Interim Superintendent; Brian Smith, Assistant Superintendent
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm
The Chair informed that the meeting is being recorded and available on WETC.
Mrs. Nardone led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Moments of Silence were observed for the passing of Jack Murray, WPS 7th grader, as well as Patricia Kinsman and Cheryl Sacchetti, former WPS employees..
Consent Agenda:
The Consent agenda included:
- Payment of Bills:
- Confirmation of Warrant: 24-2025 Date: 12/19/24 Amount: $627,124.60
- Confirmation of Warrant: 26-2025 Date: 12/23/24 Amount: $1,807,267.08
- Confirmation of Warrant: 28-2025 Date: 1/6/25 Amount: $1,099,854.71
- Approval of Minutes:
- Regular Meeting Minutes: 12/5/24
- Executive Session Minutes: 12/19/24
Motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw to accept the consent agenda. Seconded by Mrs. Devine. Motion unanimously passed.
Report of the Superintendent:
Interim Superintendent Curtin expressed heartfelt condolences, thoughts and prayers to the Murray Family and spoke of the light and happiness, joy and happiness that Jack brought to WPS. He will be greatly missed.
Motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw and seconded by Mrs. Curran to take the Superintendent contract out of order. Motion passed unanimously.
a. Approval of contract for Melanie Curtin, Superintendent of Schools effective January 1, 2025 (Action Requested)
Melanie Curtin has been serving as interim Superintendent since May while also being Assistant Superintendent. Contract negotiations were entered into for a 3.5 year contract with a base salary of $225K for FY25 and FY26 with a 2.5% COLA the following years. The existing Assistant Superintendent position was not filled for FY25.
Mrs. Devine expressed that due to work obligations she was not able to attend the 1/9/25 executive session. She did offer to attend to call in or attend via zoom however did not hear confirmation. She was not involved in contract negotiations.
Motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw to approve the contract for Melanie Curtin, permanent Superintendent of Schools effective January 1, 2025. Seconded by Ms. Graziano.
Discussion: Mr. Scott and Ms. Graziano expressed their support and confidence for Ms. Curtin and highlighted the drawbacks of using a search committee to draw out the process. Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw added her confidence speaking of Ms. Curtins’ 20 years of experience and leadership which has aided in the increase of morale as well as stability of transition. The Chair echoed Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw and is excited about the future with Ms. Curtin as Superintendent. Msrs. Curran shared her excitement for the future and made a request for clarification of attending executive sessions for members.
Roll call vote. Curran-Yes, Devine-Present, Graziano-Yes, Scott-Yes, Sherlock-Shangraw-Yes, Nardone-Yes
Members attend other meetings outside of school committee days. Updates of other committees:
a. Budget Sub-Committee - Danielle Graziano
Next meeting is 1/15/25 as well as 1/22/25 at Adams. Budget Hearing March 13, 2025 at School Committee.
b. Collective Bargaining Sub-Committee - Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw
No updates at this time
c. Policy Sub-Committee - Dana Scott
The next meeting is January 14, 2025 at 6pm at Abigail Adams. Policies to discuss: public participation, AI, and sexual harassment
d. Wellness Committee - Rebecca Sherlock-Shangraw
No updates at this time.
e. Memorial Committee - Kathy Curran
No updates at this time.
f. Weymouth Scholarship Committee - Mary-Ellen Devine
Applications are available on line
g. Facilities Master Plan Committee - Kathy Curran
No updates at this time.
h. Townwide Parent Council - Mary-Ellen Devine
Next meeting 1/14/25 in Humanities.
i. SEPAC - Danielle Graziano
1/29/25-SEPAC parents support coffee at 9:45am at WHS Wildcat Cafe.
j. Health & Safety - Dana Scott
Next meeting will be 1/22/25 at 4pm at Adams
h. Athletics Sub-Committee
First meeting 1/27/25 at 6pm at Adams
a. Elementary School Assistant Principals Staffing Update-Interim Superintendent Curtin
Superintendent Curtin advised that the ongoing Assistant Principal position evaluation process has been completed. Permanent Assistant Principals will be at WECC, Wessagusset, Seach and Hamilton; lead teachers will be at Academy, Murphy, Nash & Talbot (modeled prior to 2022). Schools will be sending out messaging to families on 1/10/25. 2 District RBTs, Kaite Monteiro and Kerry Contrino, have been hired to assist with increased behavior caseloads and support students' needs. An additional Assistant Special Education Director is still being looked at.
All questions by the committee were addressed.
b. Competency Determination Update-Interim Superintendent Curtin
Superintendent Curtin gave an update (attached to these minutes) on MCAS & Competency Determination. New language was reviewed. For the class of 2025, students who’ve passed all 3 MCAS subjects have satisfied Competency Determination. Students who did not will have to satisfactorily complete coursework showing mastery of the subject(s) they did not pass. Going forward, students will still take MCAS (passing is no longer a graduation requirement due to Ballot Question 2) the district is creating their own competency requirements (a work in progress). More information to come at a future meeting. Discussion of number of credits - 22 (evening high school 16), scheduling and Capstone was had.
Public Comment
In accordance with Policy BEDH and kept to 3 minutes; this period is an opportunity for community members to comment on items on the agenda, not a conversation or back and forth with the members.
There was none.
Policy Sub Committee Meeting-January 14, 2025, 6pm, Adams Library
Budget Sub Committee Meetings-January 15 & 22, 2025, Adams Library; Budget Hearing-3/13/25-Humanities Center
SEPAC-Coffee at 9:45am on 1/29/25-pre registration required
Showcase at Chapman theater-1/11/25, tickets $5
A request to tour the CTE fabrication lab for members was made.
A request for more information regarding the Ralph Talbot Amphitheatre construction was made.
Next School Committee Meeting:
Regular Meeting: Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 7:00pm
The Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm on the motion by Dr. Sherlock-Shangraw and seconded by Mrs. Devine. Motion passed unanimously.