Purchasing Guidelines
Authorized Purchase Guidelines
Please be advised that the Town of Weymouth examines invoices to effectively monitor and ensure that purchase orders are approved prior to goods and/or services being rendered to the Town. In accordance with municipal finance law the Town of Weymouth will not support payment for goods or services rendered to the Town of Weymouth if they are not supported prior to receiving those goods and/or services by a purchase order and/or contract.
Municipal finance law requires that the Town must have a prior appropriation before entering into a contract. These same laws prohibit a department of the Town from incurring a liability in excess of an appropriation made for the department or district.
Purchase Orders or contracts are systems used by the Town to ensure that funding is available for a particular good(s) or service(s). If your company (the vendor) elects to provide a good(s) or service(s), emergency procurement excluded, without a purchase order or contract, you (the vendor) will not qualify for payment. Additionally, the Town must approve all change orders or amendments to a contract.
The Town of Weymouth requires all vendors to supply a detailed quotation for the good/service being procured by the Town so that a requisition may be initiated. Once reviewed and approved by the Business Office, the requisition will be converted to a purchase order.
The Town of Weymouth also requires that vendor(s) supply a detailed invoice for the good/service being provided. The Town Auditor (Accountant) mandates that adequate documentation for invoices be submitted and may refuse payment of bills that are deemed fraudulent, unlawful, or excessive.
M.G.L. C44, S31/31C
M.G.L. C30B